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Improving your wellbeing and therapy

Looking after our wellbeing

We sometimes feel like something isn’t right and we are unsure who to talk to. 

I suppose it raises a few questions.

1).  What is Wellbeing?

2). Should everyone have the same feelings?

Wellbeing is a changeable state and can refer to our sense of physical or mental health. It can also refer to how well we feel. Sometimes I think we can make these things overly complicated, and we don’t need to.

I like to look at these things as PIES – Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social angles to try and consider the different parts that make us a whole. 

I think when we look at what our needs are, there are so many different components that we can be overwhelmed. It can be helpful to break these down, so we don’t overlook some of our needs. 


We can’t live without water or food for extended periods of time. Our health is impacted without periods of sleep and rest. 


Our brains need to be exercised like the physical muscles in the body, and we can do this by stimulating it with different things. We all have different interests and sometimes these interests when we are low become a sign of low mood when we lose interest. We can find it hard to enjoy or motivate ourselves even with the things we normally enjoy.


Are we able to share our feelings? Are we left feeling we need to bottle things up or can we have healthy ways of managing these? Sometimes it can be hard to note that we need to acknowledge particular emotions and experience them. Have you ever heard the expression “We have to experience the lows to appreciate the highs”? Whilst this is a sentiment that is not always true it highlights that our experiences can enhance our perception of the “good times”.


It is well documented that human beings are, by nature, sociable creatures. We seek out love, and attachments with other humans, but also animals as pets. Some people are happier in their own company, whilst others seek out more social interactions.

The pie chart is a good way of trying to illustrate we have needs and there is a balance of how our needs are met. It is also worth noting that we will all have a different make up of our own needs, some needing more intellectual or emotional stimulation than social for example. It is about learning who we are and what our needs are. 

Soul Nourishment

I think sometimes it is important to stop and think about the different things that make us feel good. There are different things for different moods we have. It could be laughter. I’m not suggesting it is the best medicine. However, think about how your mood and body feels after having a good spell of laughter.  To others, being in nature can feel like the most important thing in the world. I don’t want to overemphasise the point, but I think a list of suggestions can be helpful: -

  • Spending time with loved ones or friends whom we enjoy their company. Children are always highlighted as a good source of feel good and help with the positive and warm feelings.

  • Films – the power of feel good films, or tearjerkers that make us value what we have a bit more.

  • Fishing, birdwatching, walking or other leisurely pursuits that allow for some concentration and peaceful setting.

  • Achieving things – could be running a 5k or completing a certificated course. There are several achievable targets that could help to maintain our “Soul Nourishment.”

  • Being part of a group and feeling a sense of belonging. We all need a sense of purpose and a feeling that we are needed or useful in some way. 

Sometimes it can help to break these things down to try and see what we can solve for ourselves to change bad habits or coping strategies. It may be we can keep a diary to note the things that are not helping or to track the things we do to try and help. 

Another factor may be that the people around us are not the best people to see these changes we want to make, and that’s when a professional can come in. We can seek therapy to try and change our outlook on life, to improve our self esteem or to have space to consider these things. Therapy can take the form of positive change as well as the perceived notion it is something we access when in distress.

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